Aaron Industrial manufactures for a USAID Clean Cities, Blue Oceans (CCBO) Project
We are delighted and proud to share our friends and customers that Aaron Industrial has been chosen by Tetra Tech – USAID Clean Cities, Blue Oceans (CCBO) Program to manufacture an Industrial Shredder for the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) of a City in the NCR.
USAID (United States Agency for Intenational Aid)- Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) Program is tasked to engage communities across the Philippines to stop the flow of plastic pollution to the waters within and surrounding the country.

Aaron Eco Green Projects, a division of Aaron Industrial has been promoting a similar environmental cause regarding Waste Management and we are very much pleased to be given the chance to work for an organization who champions what we believe in.
Having been chosen by Tetra Tech, USAID’s implementing agency, known for their unwavering commitment to integrity and excellence, is a true testament to our technical know-how and dedication, which also reflects the trust placed in our commitment to positive change for the environment.
We are thankful to the Clean Cities, Blue Oceans Team for the opportunity to let us showcase Filipino Machinery and craftsmanship. Aaron Eco Green Projects will manufacture a Shredder which can process two(2) tons of materials per hour.
Aaron Industrial with Aaron Eco Green Projects will endeavor to continue building Machinery for a Greener Tomorrow. We further aspire to reach out to more organizations in order to create and advance cleaner and greener communities in the Philippines and beyond.
To know more about USAID – https://www.usaid.gov/
To know more about USAID Clean Cities, Blue Oceans Program – https://urban-links.org/ocean_country/usaids-work-on-ocean-plastics-in–philippines/
To know more about Tetra Tech – https://www.tetratech.com/
To know more about Aaron Industrial’s Agri, Waste and Industrial Machinery – www.aaronindustrial.com